Special program: Webinar "Science Communication in the Natural Sciences"

Starting point:

With growing public interest in scientific findings, communicating scientific processes and results has developed into a crucial skill for scientists to obtain in their academic career.
While science communication always assumed a secondary role to teaching disciplinary content, there are many ways to successfully do both.

In the course, the participants will reflect on the importance of science communication in their teaching and will learn about methods to teach communication skills to their students.


  • the importance of science communication for academic training
  • elements for teaching formats
  • teaching academic writing and presentation in the natural sciences
  • opportunities for evaluation


The participants

  • are being sensitized for the topic science communication in teaching,
  • develop methods for a sensible implementation of writing and presenting elements in their teaching,
  • receive specific manuals with pointers on how to implement science communication in their teaching.

Your trainer:

Dr. Sascha Vogel


Diese Veranstaltung wird als Webinar online über Zoom stattfinden. Nähere Infos hierzu erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung.

Anmeldungen sind bis spätestens 15.05.2020 via Mail an die Schreibwerkstatt möglich.


May 19th, 2020, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


The webinar will take place online via Zoom. You will receive more information after registration.

Maximal number of participants: 16

Registration is possible via E-Mail until May 15th 2020.