GRADE Workshops for Doctoral Candidates


The Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers (GRADE) offers a variety of workshops in German and English on different topics. These topics include inter- or transdisciplinary tools and methods for scientific work, reading strategies and tools for communicative competence. The workshops are aimed at doctoral students from the Rhine-Main universities, which include the Johannes Gutenberg University-Mainz, the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and the Technical University Darmstadt.

Target Audience

All doctoral students who have been officially accepted for a doctorate at one of the Rhine-Main universities or who are working there as a postdoc.

Workshops und Dates

You can find a detailed course overview here.


In order to participate in GRADE workshops, you must first register with GRADE so that we have your details. You can find all the necessary information for registration here.

Please note that only the events listed here are open to members of RMU universities only


This workshop is offered by the Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers (GRADE) in collaboration with the RMU Alliance.