Academic Writing and Reading in Teaching

As a writing center, we offer a teacher training for the promotion of academic writing and reading in teaching every winter term. JGU lecturers may visit either the training as a whole and be awarded a certificate for writing didactics or take part in individual workshops of their choice.


All associated courses are only offered in German.

Please refer to the German Website for further information.


Target group:

Lecturers at the JGU.


  • extended methodological knowledge of conveying academic writing and reading in teaching and supervision
  • exchange on feedback possibilities for academic work
  • dvelopment and implementation of learning, supervision or feedback forms adapted to individual teaching and subject contexts to promote academic writing and reading.


The next teacher training course will take place in WiSe 2024/25. The dates of the individual events can be found on the corresponding German subpages here.

The entire training course consists of 52 units (= working units of 45 minutes each). You will receive the certificate of completion for the following modules:

  • Module 1 with 6 units
  • Module 2 with 21units according to your individual interests, and
  • Module 3 with 25 units.

It is also possible to attend individual events from Module 1 and 2 and receive certificates of participation, although it is recommended to complete the basis Module 1 before attending the workshops from Module 2.

The certificate program is offered by the Center for Quality Assurance and Development.