Individual Writing Counseling for Students and Doctoral Candidates

The JGU Writing Centre offers comprehensive support for students and doctoral candidates from all faculties in their academic writing projects. Our aim is to jointly improve writing skills and make the writing process more efficient through individual counselling and targeted methodological expertise. Counselling is provided by trained writing consultants and is designed to meet the specific needs of those seeking advice.


Content and Aims of the counseling session:

  • Reflection of your individual work technique
  • Identification of your writer type
  • Teaching techniques for more efficient work
  • Support with self and time management
  • Teaching new writing strategies
  • Teaching new reading strategies
  • Methotical assistance with your writing problem
  • Feedback on text drafts of up to three pages


Target groups:

All students and doctoral candidates of JGU


Our Methods:

The counseling is based on the principle ‘help through self-help'. Trained writing tutors support students and doctoral candidates with their writing process and provide methods and strategies for a more efficient academic work process:

At the counseling session

  • we reflect on your working techniques together,
  • we give methodical support for writing problems,
  • you will learn more about reading, writing and revision strategies,
  • we work out realistic schedules for your scientific writing projects,

Please note that we do not offer comprehensive text corrections or subject-specific or content-related advice in the writing consultation.


Make an appointment:

The individual writing consultations take place via the digital writing room on the JGU LMS. Both the appointment scheduling and an overview of current appointments are available there. The consultations are conducted via BigBlueButton.

Access to the digital writing room is via self-enrolment on Moodle. Click here for self-enrolment.

The writing counseling is offered by the Writing Center.